Wednesday, September 3, 2014

You're Not Invited

Recently my husband and a few members of my extended family were invited to a party, but  I was told by loving and awesome life partner who is a fabulous communicator (yes, I am being sarcastic) that I was NOT invited.  I could immediately feel the temperature in my body rise to a boiling point.  I was livid!  First, a feeling of pride.  Why would some one not want me at their party?  I am the life of the party!  I am the party!  After pride left, then feelings of unwantedness (if that is even a word) set in.  I felt wronged.  If I wasn't invited to the party, then my loving and awesome husband should have demanded an explanation and boycotted as well.  I wish I could tell you that is what happened but it didn't.  He, and the other family members went to the party.  And, I fumed for the next 18 hours in anger, hurt, and selfishness replaying every single instance of wrong that has ever happened to me. 

By the 19th hour, as I began to seek out God's love, and His patience, it became harder and harder to stay angry. I tried, but it just didn't feel the same.  As I asked God to give me peace he also gave me a piece of His wisdom.  The whisper came over me and I was reminded that as I want God to live in me, I have to see people through His eyes, not mine.  And, it was then that I let go of my issues, and said-- Anger, you're not invited.  Hurt, you're not invited.  Selfishness, you're not invited.  I didn't invite you, there is no need to RSVP because there is no room for you. 

God's grace is so awesome that even in my mess, he can give me a message to share with others. There are many lessons in this story, communication between spouses, setting boundaries, relationship lessons, and understanding how to show love. But, for me the one I learned rather quickly is how you can quickly overcome some true heart issues just by resting in God's presence.  You can not stay angry and hurt and mad when you are in His presence. There is no room for those issues and God. He is too awesome to dwell in such negativity.   If you want to experience all that God wants to give you, you must tell all the negative issues and things that are filling you up with absolutely nothing-- YOU ARE NOT INVITED!

Our lives have already been planned out.  All these heart issues, help us grow closer to him.  If we take each opportunity to learn and to grow we gain more faith and more confidence in what we are destiny is. 

We are equipped to show grace to those who may have hurt us, wronged us, said the wrong thing, did the wrong thing.  We have the power to show love when we are not always getting love back.  We have to show our light in darkness.  For when we do these things, we glorify the God in us.  

Whatever problem you are facing, whatever situation you want to be removed from your life, from your heart, simply tell it,  " I am sorry, but you are not invited."


Stay tuned as I learn how to deal with sarcasm and communicating more effectively with my awesome husband.  Words have power! 

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