Friday, April 3, 2015

Goodness in Good Friday

I have been on a pursuit to remove the religiosity I grew up believing because honestly it didn't really help me to stop sinning or disobeying; I knew of Jesus, and I would wander from church to church in my 20s knowing I needed to get right. I spent most of my 30s trying to make up for the time lost in my 20's until I laid everything on the altar. In my secret place I found that I really can't make up anything from my past. I can embrace the past and learn from it so I can share and teach others.  On this Good Friday, I am overwhelmed by the Goodness of Jesus. He died for me, and you.  He could have called the whole plan off you know. He could have said, “You know what, it’s not worth it, and they aren’t even worth it”

 But, He didn’t.  In fact, knowing what the end would be, He kept on going. He kept on teaching, he kept on serving and loving, right to the end; Why? Well, there is a song that simply says, "He did it to save my soul--all of our souls”; When I think about Good Friday my heart melts. I never knew a love so selfless. He asks us to have that same kind of love, to bestow that same kind of grace. I fall short daily. We all do. As I move in a constant pursuit of the Most High King, I want to walk like He walks, talk like He talks, love like He loves, and forgive like He forgives. This Good Friday, I want to rest in the Goodness of the attributes of Christ. I want to imitate His character traits, so when people see me, they don't see a church goer, but the see Jesus.