Tuesday, March 18, 2014

12 years Strong

It has been almost a week and the shock hasn't gone away. In fact I think I am experiencing stages of grief. I have been down that road before. It is indeed a wake up call to lose something.  For a woman of strong faith, I definitely believe that loss of any kind is God's biggest attention getter.  After the week I had, He definitely has my full attention.  I spent the majority of my adult life at a job and within minutes it was gone, all of sudden.  I didn't plan it.  In fact a week before the big shut down, I really thought that we were turning around and that the worse was past us.  I spent the majority of adult life at this job.  It was more than a job to me. The people who I had worked with, worked for, laughed with, cried with, drank with, ate with, they had become my family. I went through a divorce, a second marriage, two pregnancies, a death of child, all at this job. I gained so much, learned so much, endured so much in 12 years.  I don't know why this happened,  but what I do know is that God doesn't make mistakes.  What I do know is that all things work together for good who love the Lord, and are called.. I was called years ago. He knows me by name. I stand on that faith as I look back on these 12 plus years. I am grateful for the opportunity to grow professionally. The experience I gained was undoubtedly immeasurable. But, this blog isn't about the company but rather the people that made the company.  I met lifelong friends here. And, I will miss seeing them and spending 40 +  hours a week with them.  I learned so much, gained so much, lost so much during my last 12 years. Now it's time for the next chapter in  God's plan. I walk in ordered steps following his word, abiding in his will. And even knowing the outcome would be the same as March 12th, 2014, I would do it all over again just to meet the friends I now call family!

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